Parkin Fire Tower
Posted by Derek on Jun 12, 2023
Height: 1608 feet / 490 meters
GPS recorded height: 1608 feet / 490 meters
Lat/Lon: N46.86917° W80.83735°
Date Summited: May 23, 2023
From the Sudbury area, make your way to the town of Capreol. From Capreol continue north on Regional Road 84 for 8.0 km and then turn right onto Portelance Road. The road may have active logging in progress, so caution is advised — give the logging trucks a lot of space.
The first 5 km of the dirt road is fairly wide and well traveled by the residents of the Wahnapitae First Nation Reserve and the camp/cottage residents in the area. The road forks at the Wahnapitae First Nation Reserve sign. Take the left fork and proceed north-northeast for 12.8 km to the trailhead to the Parkin Fire Tower. There is no parking area, however there are spaces for roadside parking along Portelance Road just north of the trailhead.
It is a short (1.5 km) but steep (570 foot ascent) hike along a well travelled trail from the road. Take a left at the fork after hiking 500 meters. Also at the fork there is a short bush trail to the right which leads to a wooden platform with a view of the valley. The view at the summit is mostly obscured by trees unless you climb the fire tower (caution is advised). There are also numerous views along the hike up the mountain.
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Trip Summary:
0.0 km – Departed parking on Portelance Road (11:40 AM)
0.5 km – Turned left at fork (11:51 AM)
1.5 km – Arrived at the summit / fire tower (12:10 PM)
3.0 km – Arrived back at Portelance Road (1:16 PM)
- Trailhead off of Portelance Road
- Unnamed Lake at the trailhead
- The quad/atv trail
- Future platform?
- View from the platform
- Hike up a bald rock outcrop
- View along the route
- View #2 along the route
- Narrow ridge line
- Garter snake out for some sun
- Small bird nest
- The hike along the ridge
- First view of the Parkin Fire Tower
- Looking up from the base of the Parkin Fire Tower
- Parkin Fire Tower and summit area
- Old rain gauge
- Limited views at the summit
GPS Tracklog (GPX Format):
Parkin Lake Peak GPS Track (.gpx format)
Related Links:
Parkin Tower Geocache
Hey there! I have been before but never seen the platform. Can you show on the map where that is?
Hey Larissa, the platform is indicated on the map with the “camera” icon.